Monday, September 27, 2010

Update Regarding Minister Nahass's participation in ITU Conference

This is to follow up from my two postings on Minister Nahass's participation in the ITU Conference in Mexico next month.

I am happy to say that Minister Nahass has now informed the ITU to amend the Lebanese delegate list, and remove the names of his family members.

I wish Minister Nahass a very successful trip. I also hope he comes back from Mexico with a re-invigorated enthusiasm for reforming and privatising the Telecom sector.


  1. Ha ha...I have to give credit where credit is due, though. Minister Nahass responded to this call. This shows that he is one of the more reasonable Ministers (even if he is a FPM appointee). Can you imagine this happening with a Hizbollah appointee? Al Akhabar would have printed a story that I am a Mossad Agent immediately.

  2. This of course does not mean that I would not loooove to dig up scoop on Hizbollah appointees. My eyes are wide open!
